ASP.NET GS1-128 Generator Size Setting Tutorial
sample source code to generate linear GS1-128 images and adjust barcode size in ASP.NET
- Generate GS1-128 for ASP.NET web projects using ASP.NET control
- Image resolution can be reset
- ASP.NET EAN-128 generation component supports rotating EAN-128 image with 0, 90, 180, 270 angles
- Unit of Measure can set the generated EAN-128 image in Inch, CM or Pixel
- Text margin, text font can be redefined
- Completely developed in C#.NET
- Automatically compute the optional check sum digit of GS1-128 image
- Compatible with GS1 barcode standars for GS1-128
GS1-128, former known as EAN-128, UCC-128, USS-128, is alphanumeric linear barcode developed on Code 128, however, using GS1 standard.
To change GS1 128 image format, color and resolution and other relaed parameters in ASP.NET, please go to ASP.NET GS1 128 image setting;
To encode GS1 128 valid data set and data length in ASP.NET, please go to ASP.NET GS1 128 data encoding.
GS1-128 in ASP.NET Size Related Properties
Before starting GS1-128 size setting using ASP.NET GS1-128 Web Control, please view below size setting properties of the control.
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GS1-128 Bar Width and Height Size Setting Property
- X: property for width setting of bar, default is 1 pixel.
- Y: property for bar height, default is 30 pixel.
Margin Size Setting Properties
- LeftMargin: property for left margin size.
- RightMargin: property for right margin size.
- TopMargin: property for top margin size.
- BottomMargin:property for bottom margin size.
GS1-128 Image Size Setting Property
- barcodeHeight: property that set GS1-128 barcode image height.
- barcodeWidth: property that set GS1-128 barcode image width.
Human Readable Information size setting
- TextMargin sizes the space between symbol and text below symbol, default is 6 pixel.
- TextFont includes the function to set the font size of the text.
Size Unit Setting Property
- UOM: property to set the unit of measure for size setting. Its values include Pixel (0), inch (1), and cm (2).
ASP.NET GS1-128 Tutorial
Don't know how to install ASP.NET GS1-128 Generator Control? View ASP.NET Barcode Generator Control Tutorial.
For more detailed sample code in C#.NET or VB.NET, please click GS1-128 in C# and GS1-128 in VB.NET.