Code 93 Introduction

This page concerns basic information of Code 93, as well as its generating and printing components.

Code 93 Overview

This part talks about the Code 93 barcode. Code 93,, primarily designed to complement and improve upon Code 39, is a continuous symbology with a variable length. Similar to Code 39, Code 93 can also encode the full ASCII character set by using two-character combinations.

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Generating and Printing Code 93 Barcodes

OnBarcode provides comprehensive Code 93 generators and scanner components for Java, .NET, Android, iOS developments and several reporting applications.

Code 93 Structure

The structure of Code 93 is as below:

Code 93 Barcode Size Setting

As for Code 93 size setting, three factors should be considered: module width (i.e. X dimension) barcode width and height.

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Code 93 Data Encoding

Code 93 encodes:
  • Numeric digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Alphabets: upper-case letters A-Z
  • Alphabets: lower-case letters a-z
  • Special characters: dash (-), dollar ($), percentage (%), space, point (.), slash (/), plus (+)

Code 93 VS Code 39

Code 93 is a improved version of Code 39. The two barcodes are similar in that both can encode full set of ASCII characters, i.e. A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and special characters.

However, the difference lies in that Code 93 symbology is continuous and it produces denser code, so it is more efficient compared with code 39. In addition, Code 93 encodes 4 more characters besides code 39's 43 encodable characters.

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