C#. ITF-14 Generator Data Encoding Tutorial
Sample source code to input valid data and generate linear ITF-14 images in C# .NET
C# ITF-14 Introduction
ITF-14, also known as UPC Shipping Container Symbol ITF-14, ITF14, is numeric-only linear barcode generated according to GS1 standard.
C# ITF-14 barcode is an easy- to- use C#.NET barcode generating SDK, which is compatible with .NET 2.0 and advanced versions. It is mostly worked with Microsoft Visual Studio and other development environments for .NET Framework. It is one part of C#.NET barcode generator, used for generating ITF-14 barcode in Visual C#.NET projects. C# ITF-14 barcode is able to be combined into a single file which holds the full functions and is simply redistributed.
This article is providing a method to use C#.NET Barcode Generation Control to encoding ITF-14 barcodes and modify ITF-14 barcode length in Visual C#.NET development environments.
OnBarcode C# Barcode Generator is designed to generate, create ITF-14 and other linear & 2d barcodes in Microsoft Word.
Here are some more tutorials for C# ITF-14 generation concerning size & image setting.
How to generate, print barcode using .NET, Java sdk library control with example project source code free download:
Encode ITF-14 Valid Character in C#.NET
ITF-14 is a numeric-only linear barcodes. The ITF-14 barcode is used to create the Shipping Container Symbol. This code is used to mark cartons and palettes that are including goods with an EAN-13 code.
ITF-14 valid character set:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Here is a sample code for encoding ITF-14 valid data using Visual C# class:
Linear barcode = new Linear();
barcode.Type = BarcodeType.ITF14;
barcode.Data = "0123456789012";
barcode.BarcodeWidth = 200;
barcode.Format = ImageFormat.Png;
Modify ITF-14 Valid Length in C#.NET
ITF-14 is a fixed-length linear barcode symblogy, with 13 digits to be encoded and plus 1 check digit. Here is a sample code for modifying ITF-14 valid length using Visual C# class:
Linear barcode = new Linear();
barcode.Type = BarcodeType.ITF14;
barcode.Data = "0123456789012";
barcode.BarcodeWidth = 200;
barcode.Format = ImageFormat.Png;