C# PDF-417 Reader SDK Integration
Online tutorial for reading & scanning PDF-417 barcode images using C#.NET class
How to read, scan, decode PDF-417 images in C#.NET class, ASP.NET Web & Windows applications
In this C# tutorial, you will learn how to scan, read 2d PDF417 barcode data from images in C# ASP.NET web app and Windows application.
- Scan standard PDF-417 and Macro PDF417 barcode images
- Support multiple image formats, including TIFF, bitmap, JPG, gif, png.
- Scan the whole image area or partial of it
- Provide the scanned barcode result details, including barcode data, barcode covered area, rotation.
How to read, scan PDF417 barcode image in C# application
- Scan PDF-417 barcode in C# class, Console applications
- Read PDF-417 barcode in C# ASP.NET web projects
- Read, decode PDF-417 images in Visual Studio C#.NET Windows Forms applications
- Easy and simple to integrate PDF-417 reader component (single dll file) into your C# project
- Complete developed in C#.net 2005, for .net framework 2.0 and later version
- Scanning, decoding PDF-417 from multiple image formats, like BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF formats
- Scanning, reading PDF-417 from multi-page TIFF documents
C# PDF-417 Reader Introduction

C# PDF-417 Reader SDK is a high performance C# linear and 2d barcode recognition SDK for Microsoft Visual Studio C#.NET platform.
Scan and read PDF-417 barcodes from image files is one of the barcode decoding functions in
.NET Barcode Reader component. To help .net developers easiy integrate barcode reader control into your .net projects, we provide detailed online tutorial for
C#.NET Barcode Reader component supports scanning and reading 20+ linear, 2d barcodes, including
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Install C#.NET Barcode Reader Control to Your C# project

- Copy OnBarcode.Barcode.BarcodeScanner.dll to your C#.NET project folder (do not copy dll file to your project bin folder).
- Add OnBarcode.BarcodeReader.dll to your C# project reference.
Reading PDF-417 in C# Class

Call BarcodeScanner.Scan() method in your C# class, and pass your barcode image file, and PDF-417 barcode type (BarcodeType.PDF-417) as method parameters.
string[] datas = BarcodeScanner.Scan("pdf-417-barcode-image.gif", BarcodeType.PDF417);
Scan, read Macro PDF417 barcodes using C# code

Macro PDF417 provides a mechanism for the data in a file to be split into blocks and be represented in more than one PDF417 symbol. This mechanism is similar to the Structured Append feature in other symbologies, like Data Matrix, QR Code.
Each Macro PDF417 symbol shall contain additional control information to enable the original data file to be properly reconstructed, irrespective of the sequence in which the individual PDF417 symbols are scanned and decoded.
Here are list of important properties of Macro PDF-417 barcode
- File id: all Macro PDF417 barcode with the same file id are the parts of the same data message
- Segment index: it is the order of the data message. The first segment index is 0
- Is the last segment: It is to know whether the current PDF417 is the last segment or not.
The steps and C# source code below show how to get the information of Macro PDF417 barcodes using C#.NET Barcode Reader library
- Utilize BarcodeScanner.ScanInDetails() to get all PDF 417 barcode information from an existing image file
- For each scanned PDF417 barcode, you will get
- Is it a Macro PDF417 barcode using BarcodeDetail.isMacroPDF417()
- Get Macro PDF417 file id using BarcodeDetail.getMacroPDF417FileID()
- Is it the last segment of Macro PDF417 using BarcodeDetail.isMacroPDF417LastSegment()
- Get Macro PDF417 segment index (the first segment index is 0) using BarcodeDetail.getMacroPDF417SegmentIndex()
- Extract Macro PDF417 data using BarcodeDetail.Data
public static void ReadMacroPDF417()
String imageFilePath = "...";
// scan all PDF417 symbols in the image file
BarcodeDetail[] datas = BarcodeScanner.ScanInDetails(imageFilePath, BarcodeType.PDF417);
for (int j = 0; j < datas.Length; j++)
// check if this is a Macro PDF417
Console.WriteLine(" Is Macro PDF417: " + datas[j].isMacroPDF417());
// get macro PDF 417 file id
Console.WriteLine(" File id: " + datas[j].getMacroPDF417FileID());
// check if this is the last segment
Console.WriteLine(" Is Last Segment: " + datas[j].isMacroPDF417LastSegment());
// get segment number (in String type)
Console.WriteLine(" Segment Index: " + datas[j].getMacroPDF417SegmentIndex());
// get file ID (in String type)
// Note:
// All characters in this String is digital ASCII (that is 0 ~ 9)
// Every 3 digits represent a number (which based on 900)
Console.WriteLine(" File ID: " + datas[j].getMacroPDF417FileID());
if (datas[j].isMacroPDF417())
// get data in the Macro PDF417
string barcodeSegmentData = datas[j].Data;
// ...
C# Barcode Reading & Scanning Tutorials

Barcode Reader SDK for C#.NET - Barcode Image Reading