C#. ISBN Generator Size Setting Tutorial
sample source code to generate linear ISBN images and adjust barcode size in C# .NET
- Completely run in Visual C#.NET development environments, including Winforms applications, ASP.NET web forms, Crystal Reports, SSRS and C#.NET class & console applications
- Simple to control ISBN and supplemental data size, including X,Y dimension, barcode width & height, margin of top, bottom, left and right, etc
- Support to create ISBN Supplement Barcode with 2-digit and 5-digit add-on symbol
- Automatically add checksum digit for ISBN barcodes
- Provide 100% C#.NET source code and strong named assemblies
- Support high quality ISBN barcodes in GIF, BMP, PNG, JPEG/JPG & TIFF
- Light-weight, user-friendly ISBN barcode component used world-widely
- Tutorial for ISBN Image Setting in Visual C#.NET
- Tutorial for ISBN Data Encoding in Visual C#.NET
ISBN, also known as International Standard Book Number, Bookland EAN, is a numeric-only linear barcode used extensively by publishers, retailers as wells as libraries to manage inventory.
How to generate, print barcode using .NET, Java sdk library control with example project source code free download:
ISBN Structure
ISBN Image Width Related Settings
W: the width of ISBN barcode image, including quiet zones. Please see BarCodeWidth.
X: the width of a module bar. Please see X.
Supplement Space: the space between the barcode and the supplement. Please see Supplement Space
C: the number of ISBN encoded data characters, including the check digit; C = 6.
Q: the width of the quiet zone. Please see Left & Right Margin.
ISBN Image Height Related Settings
H: the barcode height of ISBN. Please see BarCodeHeight.
Y: the height of a module bar. Please see Y.
Supplement Height: the height of the bar module. Please see Supplement Height.
Top & Bottom Margin: the height of the top & bottom margin. Please see Top & Bottom Margin.
Text Margin: the space between image bar and text. Please see Text Margin.
Text Font: the font style of human-readable text. Please see Text Font.
Setting ISBN Barcode Size in C#
C# ISBN barcode provides a set of barcode size settings to specify you ISBN barcodes. Please download C# barcode component and install, copy those following code to your Visual Studio:
Linear barcode = new Linear();
barcode.Type = BarcodeType.ISBN;
barcode.Data = "978123456789";
Modify your ISBN barcodes by setting those following properties:
UOM is short for Unit of Measure, which is the unit of measure for all size related settings in the library. C# ISBN barcode provides 3 options: Pixel, Cm, and Inch. The default is Pixel.
barcode.UOM = UnitOfMeasure.PIXEL;
Supplement Space
SupplementSpace is the space between the ISBN barcodes and supplemental data. The default is 15 (float).
barcode.SupplementSpace = 19;
Supplement Height
SupplementHeight is the height of the supplement data bar module. It is the N percent of Y(module height of ISBN barcode bar). The default is 0.8f (float).
barcode.SupplementSpace = 0.5f;
Barcode Width & Height
BarcodeWidth is the ISBN barcode image width. The default in C# ISBN barcode is 0 (float).
BarcodeHeight is the ISBN barcode image height. The default in C# ISBN barcode is 0 (float).
barcode.BarcodeWidth = 0;
barcode.BarcodeHeight = 0;
Notice: if your setting is smaller than the barcode required minimum width and height, the library will automatically reset to barcode minimum width. Or you may enable AutoResize to automatically resize your ISBN barcode image.
Barcode Margin
BarcodeMargin is the white zone around the ISBN symbol. C# ISBN barcode provides 4 options: Left Margin, Right Margin, Top Margin and Bottom Margin. The default of these four margins are 0 (float).
barcode.TopMargin = 3;
barcode.BottomMargin = 3;
barcode.LeftMargin = 1;
barcode.RightMargin = 1;
X & Y
X is the width of barcode bar module (narrow bar). The default in C# ISBN barcode is 1 (float).
Y is the height of barcode bar module. The default in C# ISBN barcode is 60 (float).
barcode.X = 2;
barcode.Y = 80;
Text Margin & Font
TextMargin is the space between barcode and barcode data text. The default in C# ISBN barcode is 6 (float).
TextFont is the font style of human-readable text. The default in C# ISBN barcode is new Font ("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Regular).
barcode.TextMargin = 9;
barcode.TextFont = new Font("Arial", 20f, FontStyle.Regular);