EAN-13, also known as European Article Number 13, UPC-13, GTIN-13, GS1-13, EAN/UCC-13, is the standard barcode version of European Article Number.
Excel EAN 13 is a barcode generating component designed to use on Microsoft Office Excel. It is a mature barcode component to generate,
draw EAN 13 barcodes on Microsoft Office Excel 365/2019/2016/2013/2010. Equipped with 50+ barcode property options, high-quality EAN 13 barcode images can be easily streamed with customized color, size, image, text, etc. This product supports EAN 13 supplement 2-digit barcode and EAN 13 supplement 5-digit barcode to be generated as well.
EAN 13 is linear bar code symbology, which is able to encode numeric data only:
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
The following request and guide is from one of our customers.
Jack has a list of product EAN bar codes, and he wants to represent these data as actual EAN-13 barcodes in the next column in the Excel document.
The list of ean barcodes are in 13 digits.
As we know, the complete EAN-13 bar code includes 13 digits. The first 12 digits are the EAN-13 data, which is usually presenting a product ID,
and the last digit is the check sum digit. Using OnBarcode Barcode Excel add-in, the barcode software will automatically calculate the last digit for you.
You need input the 12 digits product ID in the Excel document.
In column C, we will create the list of real EAN 13 data.
In cell C4 function, key in =LEFT(B4, 12) to get the first 12 digits of the B4 data. And repeat the same steps from cell C4 to C7.
Now we have got the list of real product ID in 12 digits. Here we will create a sample EAN-13 barcode with customized barcode settings, include bar module size, text size, text margin. And the final list of EAN-13 barcode will use the same properties as the sample one.
Apply the following EAN 13 properties in the Barcode Settings panel on the right size in Excel application.
In tab "Barcode Size"
Set Bar width (X) to 6
Set Text margin to 20
In tab "1D Barcode"
Set font size to 14
Now you have created a sample EAN13 bar code label as template.
Here we will create list of EAN 13 bar code images on column D.
You can know the bulk barcode generation here:
How to generate multiple barcodes in one Excel column?