ITF-14 Size Setting Instruction

ITF-14 Size Setting

OnBarcode products grant users to adjust ITF-14 image size during barcode generation. And ITF-14 barcode size can be set with the following OnBarcode products:

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ITF-14 Structure

  • W : the symbol width of ITF-14
  • Q : the width of quiet zone on either side, Q min = 10X.
  • P : the number of character pairs
  • B : the width of the bearer bar
  • X : the width of a narrow element
  • N : the wide-to-narrow ratio

ITF-14 Barcode Width

The ITF-14 barcode width, W (measured in pixel), including quiet zones and bearer bars, can be calculated from the following expression:

W = [P( 4N + 6 )X + 2Q + 2B

Then the minimum value of W can be calculated as below:
An ITF-14 symbol must always carry a 14-digit number, so:

P= 7 , B min = 2X , Q min = 10X.
W min = 2Q + 29NX + 48X + 2B
= 72X + 29NX
If, X min = 1 , W min = 72 + 29N

Eg. ITF-14 data = " 1234567890123 " , X = 1 pixel, N = 2.5.
so W min = 2*10 + 29*2.5 + 48 + 2*2 = 144.5 pixel

ITF-14 Barcode Height

For ITF-14 Symbols, the height of the bars (dark bars) in the target size symbol is 32 millimeters (1.25 inches). The default value of bar height is 60 pixel for OnBarcode products.

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OnBarcode provides details of ITF-14 Barcode Size Setting in C#.

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