MSI Plessey Introduction
This page concerns basic information of MSI Plessey, as well as its generating and printing components.
MSI Plessey Overview

This part talks about the
MSI Plessey barcode. MSI barcode, also known as Modified Plessey, is a numeric symbology developed by the MSI Data Corporation, which is used primarily for marking retail shelves for inventory control. Though continuous and self-checking, MSI Plessey provides several module checksum situations.
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Generating and Printing MSI Plessey Barcodes
OnBarcode provides comprehensive MSI Plessey generators and scanner components for Java, .NET, Android, iOS developments and several reporting applications.
MSI Plessey Structure
MSI Plessey Barcode Size Setting
As for MSI Plessey size setting, three factors should be considered: bar width (i.e. X dimension) barcode width and height.
MSI Plessey Data Encoding
Being a postal barcode symbology, MSI Plessey encodes only numeric digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
MSI Plessey Barcode Checksum Digit
MSI Plessey specifications stated several MSI Plessey barcode checksum situations. MSI Plessey barcode can encode a module 10 checksum, module 11, module 1010, module 1110, among which the module 10 is the most common.
You can leave out the checksum digit as well, but it's not the common practice, and it is highly recommended to add a module 10 checksum digit. B
OnBarcode MSI Plessey barcode generator software & components provides all the above checksum alternatives for you to choose from.