.NET Core C# GS1 DataBar Generator Library SDK
How to generate, print .NET Core GS1 DataBar (RSS) barcode images in C# Web & WinForms applications
"This .NET suite helps my team a lot, a bunch of time being saved. OnBarcode support is awesome, and we couldn't ask more than this."
- Bill Twain, Canada
Using GS1 DataBar C#.NET Barcode Control to generate GS1 DataBar (RSS) family barcode images in .NET Applications
- Compile all barcoding features into one
C#.NET Core Barcode Generator Library (DLLs)
- Generate, draw linear GS1 DataBar barcode images using C#.NET Core Class
- Support all the sub typs of GS1 Databar as stated in the GS1 Specification
- Create, print GS1 DataBar (RSS family) barcode images in C# ASP.NET Core Web Form projects
- Generate GS1 DataBar linear barcodes in Visual Studio .NET Windows Forms projects using C#
- Print, draw GS1 DataBar barcodes on C#.NET SQL Server Reporting Servicess, Crystal Reports & RDLC Reports
- Support other 1d and 2d barcodes generation in C#, such as
C# .NET Core Code 39,
C# .NET Core Code 128,
C# .NET Core EAN-13,
C# .NET Core Interleaved 2 of 5,
C# .NET Core UPC-A,
C# .NET Core QR Code,
C# .NET Core Data Matrix,
C# .NET Core PDF417
Generate and Print GS1 DataBar (RSS) Barcodes Using .NET Core C# Class
Please use the following C# sample code to generate a GS1 DataBar barcode image for Visual Studio .NET Framework programs:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using OnBarcode.Barcode;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Drawing;
Linear GS1_DataBar = new Linear();
GS1_DataBar.Type = BarcodeType.RSS14;
GS1 DataBar (RSS family) valid data character set:
1) GS1 DataBar-14 versions and GS1 DataBar Limited: Digits 0 through 9 (with the
restriction of GS1 DataBar Limited to 0 or 1 in the first digit)
2) GS1 DataBar Expanded: a subset of Table 1 of the International Standard ISO/IEC 646,
consisting of the uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, spaces, and 20 selected
punctuation characters in addition to the Function 1 Character (FNC1)
GS1_DataBar.Data = "01222228888800";
// GS1 DataBar (RSS family) Image Size Related Settings
GS1_DataBar.UOM = UnitOfMeasure.PIXEL;
GS1_DataBar.X = 2;
GS1_DataBar.Y = 78;
GS1_DataBar.BarcodeHeight = 103;
GS1_DataBar.BarcodeWidth = 202;
// GS1 DataBar (RSS family) Text Settings
GS1_DataBar.ShowText = true;
GS1_DataBar.TextFont = new Font("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Regular);
GS1_DataBar.TextMargin = 6;
// Other Related Settings
GS1_DataBar.Rotate = Rotate.Rotate0;
GS1_DataBar.Resolution = 96;
// Generate GS1 DataBar Image Format Setting
GS1_DataBar.Format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png;
// Print GS1 DataBar to C# Bitmap object
Bitmap GS1_DataBarBitmap = GS1_DataBar.drawBarcode();
More C# Barcode Generation Tutorials for Each Barcode
Barcode Control for C#.NET - Bar Code Type Generation