GS1-128 is an application standard of the GS1 implementation using the Code 128 barcode specification.
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The former correct name was UCC/EAN-128. Other no longer used names have included UCC-128 and EAN-128. GS1-128 uses a series of Application Identifiers to include additional data such as best before dates, batch numbers, quantities, weights and many other attributes needed by the user.
Mac Barcode EAN 128 supports:
- all 128 characters of ASCII
- values 128-255 in accordance with ISO 8859-1. There are referred to as extended ASCII.
- Create a barcode object
- Set barcode properties
- call drawWithView() method, to paint barcode on the canvas.
Sample Code:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
// Drawing code
OBLinear *pLinear = [OBLinear new];
[pLinear setNBarcodeType: OB_CODE128A];
[pLinear setPDataMsg: [[NSString alloc] initWithString: (@"AB")]];
//[pLinear setPSupData: [[NSString alloc] initWithString: (@"14562")]];
[pLinear setFX: USER_DEF_BAR_WIDTH];
[pLinear setFLeftMargin: (USER_DEF_LEFT_MARGIN)];
[pLinear setFRightMargin: (USER_DEF_RIGHT_MARGIN)];
[pLinear setFTopMargin: (USER_DEF_TOP_MARGIN)];
[pLinear setFBottomMargin: (USER_DEF_BOTTOM_MARGIN)];
[pLinear setNRotate: (OB_Rotate0)];
UIFont *pTextFont = [UIFont fontWithName: @"Arial" size: 8.0f];
[pLinear setPTextFont: pTextFont];
[pLinear drawWithView: (self)];
[pLinear release];