.NET GS1-128 Generator SDK Library
Print, generate GS1-128 linear barcode images for Visual C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET projects
"For a new project, I'd try some barcode tools and compare them. I have to say your barcode toolkit is more flexible than other toolkits on the market."
- Norris Wilson, US
Generating & Printing GS1-128 / EAN-128 in .NET, C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET using .NET GS1-128 Barcodes Generator
- Generate GS1-128 / EAN-128 Barcodes in C#, VB.NET class & console applications
- Generate GS1 128 / EAN 128 in ASP.NET web page, web site
- Printing GS1-128 / EAN-128 in .NET Windows Forms applications
- Create & Print GS1-128/EAN-128 in Reporting Services & Crystal Reports
- High quality GS1-128/EAN-128 Bar Code images in GIF, PNG, JPEG & BITMAP
- Completely developed in C#.NET source codes
- Mature GS1-128/EAN-128 barcode generating components used by 1000+ clients
.NET Barcode GS1 128 / EAN 128 Generator Introduction
Generating Barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 in .NET is one of the functions in OnBarcode's
.NET Barcode Generators, which supports creating & printing GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 and 30+ other linear & 2D bar codes for C#, VB.NET & ASP.NET applications.
OnBarcode develops several .NET Barcode Generation components for different .NET development environments:
.NET GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Generator - Barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Introduction
GS1-128, former known as EAN-128, UCC-128, USS-128, is an application standard of the GS1 implementation using the Code 128 barcode specification. The former correct name was UCC/EAN-128. Other no longer used names have included UCC-128 and EAN-128. GS1-128 uses a series of Application Identifiers to include additional data such as best before dates, batch numbers, quantities, weights and many other attributes needed by the user. |
.NET GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Generation - GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Valid Data Scope
.NET EAN-128 / GS1-128 Generator DLL encodes:
- all 128 characters of ASCII
- values 128-255 in accordance with ISO 8859-1. There are referred to as extended ASCII
Creating GS1-128 (UCC/EAN-128) Compliant BarCodes in .NET Project
GS1 Function Code 1 (FNC1) and the Application Identifier (AI)
OnBarcode .NET Barcode Generator allows easily to add application identifiers in GS1 128 / EAN 128, by add parentheses to AIs.
For example, to encode AI (00), with data 350123451234567894, with second AI (21), with data 01234567,you need pass string "(00)350123451234567894(21)01234567" to barcode Data property.
Linear ean128 = new Linear();
ean128.Type = BarcodeType.EAN128;
ean128.Data = "(00)350123451234567894(21)01234567";
ean128.Format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif;
How to Generate & Print GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 in Visual Studio C# or VB.NET Class?
Generating barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 in
C# Class example (
C# GS1-128 Generator Complete Demo Source Code):
Linear ean128 = new Linear();
ean128.Type = BarcodeType.EAN128;
ean128.Data = "(00)350123451234567894";
ean128.X = 1;
ean128.Y = 60;
// Generate GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 and encode barcode to gif format
ean128.Format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif;
// Print GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 to C# Bitmap object
Bitmap ean128Bitmap = ean128.drawBarcode();
Generating barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 in
VB.NET Class example (
VB.NET GS1-128 Generator Complete Demo Source Code):
Dim ean128 As OnBarcode.Barcode.Linear
ean128 = New OnBarcode.Barcode.Linear()
ean128.Type = OnBarcode.Barcode.BarcodeType.EAN128
ean128.Data = "(00)350123451234567894"
ean128.X = 1
ean128.Y = 60
' Generate GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 and encode barcode to png format
ean128.Format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png
' Print GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 to vb.net Bitmap object
Dim ean128Bitmap As Bitmap
ean128Bitmap = ean128.drawBarcode()
How to Create & Draw GS1-128/EAN-128 Image in ASP.NET aspx or Html Pages Without ASP.NET Barcode Controller?
- Under demo package, copy barcode folder and its contents to your IIS, and create a new virtual directory.
- To create barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 image in html or aspx pages, you can insert a image tag (img) into your page.
For example, <img src="http://YourDomain:Port/barcode/linear.aspx?DATA=(00)350123451234567894&TYPE=11" />
How to Create & Encode Barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 to Image File (GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP)?
Creating barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 in C# Class example:
Linear ean128 = new Linear();
ean128.Type = BarcodeType.EAN128;
ean128.Data = "(00)350123451234567894";
Creating barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 in VB.NET Class example:
Dim ean128 As OnBarcode.Barcode.Linear
ean128 = New OnBarcode.Barcode.Linear()
ean128.Type = OnBarcode.Barcode.BarcodeType.EAN128
ean128.Data = "(00)350123451234567894"
In Visual Studio C# & VB.NET, How to Draw & Print Barcode GS1-128 to .NET Graphics, Stream & Bitmap Objects?
To draw & print barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 to C# objects:
public void drawBarcode(Graphics graphics);
public void drawBarcode(string filename);
public Bitmap drawBarcode();
public void drawBarcode(Stream fileStream);
To draw & print barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 to VB.NET objects:
Public Sub drawBarcode(ByRef graphics As Graphics)
Public Sub drawBarcode(ByVal filename As String)
Public Function drawBarcode() As Bitmap
Public Sub drawBarcode(ByRef fileStream As Stream)
Generating & Printing Barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Using .NET Barcode WinForms Controller
- Add OnBarcode.Barcode.WinForms.dll to C# or VB.NET project reference.
- Add .NET Barcode for Windows Form Control to .NET Visual Studio Toolbox.
- Right click .NET Visual Studio Toolbox, select menu Choose Items...
- In "Choose Toolbox Items" form, click button "Browse...", and select dll OnBarcode.Barcode.WinForms.dll.
- After selection, you will find four items under "Components" section LinearWinForm, DataMatrixWinForm, PDF417WinForm, and QRCodeWinForm.
Creating & Drawing Barcode GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 Using ASP.NET Barcode Web Form Controller
- Add OnBarcode.Barcode.ASPNET.dll to asp.net project reference
- Add .NET Barcode to .NET Visual Studio Toolbox.
- Right click .NET Visual Studio Toolbox, select menu Choose Items...
- In "Choose Toolbox Items" form, click button "Browse...", and select dll OnBarcode.Barcode.ASPNET.dll.
- After selection, you will find four items under "Components" section: LinearWebForm, DataMatrixWebForm, PDF417WebForm, and QRCodeWebForm.
.NET GS1-128 Generator Control - Barcode Properties
Category |
Properties |
Value |
Comments |
Property: Data
Type: string
Default: "12345"
Barcode value to encode
GS1-128/EAN-128 Valid Data Char Set:
- all 128 ASCII characters (Char from 0 to 127)
Property: Type
Type: BarcodeType
Default: CODE128 (7)
Linear barcode symbology type.
Set the value to BarcodeType.EAN128.
EAN128 type value is BarcodeType.EAN128 (11).
Property: AddCheckSum
Type: bool
Default: false
AddCheckSum property is not applied here. |
GS1 128 EAN 128 Special |
Property: ProcessTilde
Type: bool
Default: false
Set the ProcessTilde property to true, if you want use the tilde character "~"
to specify special characters in the input data.
Barcode Size Related |
Property: AutoResize
Type: bool
Default: false
Auto resize the generated barcode image
Property: BarAlignment
Type: int
Default: 1 (center)
Barcode horizontal alignment inside the image. 0: left, 1: center, 2: right. |
Property: UOM
Type: UnitOfMeasure
Default: PIXEL (0)
Unit of meature for all size related settings in the library.
Valid values:
- UnitOfMeasure.PIXEL (0)
- UnitOfMeasure.CM (1)
- UnitOfMeasure.INCH (2)
Property: X
Type: float
Default: 1
Width of barcode bar module (narrow bar), default is 1 pixel |
Property: Y
Type: float
Default: 60
Height of barcode bar module, default is 60 pixel |
Property: BarcodeWidth
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image width.
If barcodeWidth setting is smaller than the barcode required minimum width, the library will automatically reset to barcode minimum width. |
Property: BarcodeHeight
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image height.
If barcodeHeight setting is smaller than the barcode required minimum height, the library will automatically reset to barcode minimum height. |
Property: LeftMargin
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image left margin size. |
Property: RightMargin
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image right margin size. |
Property: TopMargin
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image top margin size. |
Property: BottomMargin
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image bottom margin size. |
Property: Resolution
Type: int
Default: 72
Barcode image resolution in DPI (Dots per inch). |
Property: Rotate
Type: Rotate
Default: Rotate0 (0)
Valid values:
- Rotate.Rotate0 (0)
- Rotate.Rotate90 (1)
- Rotate.Rotate180 (2)
- Rotate.Rotate270 (3)
Barcode Colors |
Property: BackColor
Type: Color
Default: white
Barcode image background color |
Property: ForeColor
Type: Color
Default: black
Barcode image foreground color
Font Style |
Property: ShowText
Type: bool
Default: true
If true, display barcode data text under the barcode, otherwise do not display. |
Property: TextFont
Type: Font
Default: new Font("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Regular)
Barcode text font style.
In ASP.NET web streaming, using the url paramter in the following format:
Property: TextMargin
Type: float
Default: 6
Space between barcode and barcode data text, default is 6 pixel |
Property: TextColor
Type: Color
Default: black
Barcode text color
Image Format |
Property: Format
Type: ImageFormat
Default: Png
Barcode image encoding type. |
Methods |
// generate barcode and encode to image file
public void drawBarcode(string filename)
// generate barcode and paint on Graphics object
public void drawBarcode(Graphics graphics)
// generate barcode and paint on Bitmap object
public Bitmap drawBarcode()
// generate barcode and paint on Stream object
public void drawBarcode(Stream fileStream)
// generate barcode and paint on byte[] object
public byte[] drawBarcodeAsBytes()
In WebStream query string, please use int value for Enums, "true" and "false" for bool.
Create GS1-128 / EAN-128 Barcodes in C#
Creating GS1-128 / EAN-128 barcode in C# class example:
Linear barcode = new Linear();
// encode two AI element
barcode.Data = "(00)395123451234567895(01)09501101530003";
// Barcode symbology type.
barcode.Type = BarcodeType.EAN128;
* Barcode Image Related Settings
// Unit of meature for all size related setting in the library.
barcode.UOM = UnitOfMeasure.PIXEL;
// Bar module width (X), default is 1 pixel;
barcode.X = 2;
// Bar module height (Y), default is 60 pixel;
barcode.Y = 60;
// Barcode image left, right, top, bottom margins. Defaults are 0.
barcode.LeftMargin = 0;
barcode.RightMargin = 0;
barcode.TopMargin = 0;
barcode.BottomMargin = 0;
// Image resolution in dpi, default is 72 dpi.
barcode.Resolution = 72;
// Created barcode orientation.
//4 options are: facing left, facing right, facing bottom, and facing top
barcode.Rotate = Rotate.Rotate0;
* Linear barcodes human readable text styles
// Display human readable text under the barcode
barcode.ShowText = true;
// Human readable text font size, font family and style
barcode.TextFont = new Font("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Regular);
// Space between barcode and text. Default is 6 pixel.
barcode.TextMargin = 6;
// Generate Code-128 and encode barcode to png format
barcode.Format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png;
All .NET Barcode Generator Supporting Bar Code Types
Barcode Generator DLL for .NET - Bar Code Types Generation