RM4SCC Introduction
This page concerns basic information of RM4SCC, as well as its generating and printing components.
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RM4SCC Overview
Generating and Printing RM4SCC Barcodes
OnBarcode provides comprehensive RM4SCC generators and scanner components for Java, .NET, Android, iOS developments and several reporting applications.
RM4SCC Structure
An RM4SCC barcode consist of the following elements:
The left quiet zone, a start character, the postcode, the Delivery Point Suffix (DPS), a checksum character, and a stop character, the right quiet zone.
The structure of RM4SCC is as below:
RM4SCC Barcode Size Setting
As for RM4SCC size setting, two properties should be your main concern: bar width (i.e. X dimension) and image width.
If you want to create a RM4SCC barcode with a fixed image height, you can adjust the image height in the property setting panel.
RM4SCC Data Encoding
Being a postal barcode symbology, RM4SCC encodes:
- Numeric Digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Upper-case alphabets A-Z
- Open and close brackets ( ) or [ ] (only used as start/stop bars)
RM4SCC Barcode Checksum Digit
RM4SCC barcode requires a module 6 checksum digit, but you don't need to worry about the complicated calculation, because OnBarcode RM4SCC barcode generator software & components will automatically add checksum digit for you so your generated RM4SCC barcodes can be specification compatible and scannable.