How to mail merge with barcodes in word from Excel?
Generate, create bulk 1d and 2d barcode images for Word Mail Merge
How to do mail merge with barcodes from Excel in Microsoft Office Word document?
In this Excel barcode bulk generation user guide, you will learn how to insert multiple barcodes in Office Excel document.
- Prepare the Excel data source file with barcodes generated
- Insert merge fields in to Word document
- Update field codes to load barcode images
- Preview or print mail merge Word document with barcodes
- No font, VBA, Macro, activex programming required
How to create a barcode in Office Word mail merge from Excel data source?
How to create list of barcodes from Excel cells and insert them into Word mail merge?
Prepare the Excel Data Source with barcode images generated
To prepare the Excel document for mail merge, you need generate batch barcodes in your Excel data source file.
- Create a template Code 128 barcode with options applied.
Select any empty Excel cell, such as E3, click button Generate, to insert a sample Code 128 barcode image.
Format the sample barcode. Apply the following barcode options:
In tab Barcode Size
Change Bar width (X) to 6
Change Text margin to 30
In tab 1D Barcode
Change Font size to 16.
Click button "Update" to update the formated barcode image.
Now we will generate list of barcodes based on the data on column "Customer Name".
Check option Support Mail Merge
Select the list of cells on column "Customer Name", and click button Generate Batch Barcodes.
Click the barcode template generated just now, and select the Excel cell, where the first barcode image will be inserted.
Click button Generate Batch Barcodes. Delete the template barcode image. Save the Excel document.
You can see the column Barcode contains contains all generated barcode image files' path.
Now the Excel data source with barcode images are ready for mail merge in Word document.
Start inserting barcodes from Excel in Word mail merge
We have prepared a simple Microsoft Office Word document.
- Go to toolbar "Mailings", in "Select Recipients" drop down menu, select "Use an Existing List..."
In Select Data Source window, choose the previously generated Excel data source file. Click button OK.
- Now you can find the two merge fields "Customer_Name" and "Barcode".
- Insert fields into the document
- Press ALT F9 or Win + ALT + F9, to view the field codes
- Now we need modify the field codes to load barcode images in word document.
Copy content "MERGEFIELD Barcode" to other place for later use, and delete content "MERGEFIELD Barcode" and brackets.
- Go to Word application toolbar Insert > Text > Quick Parts, choose Fields...
In the popup form, choose "Field names:" to "IncludePicture", and check the Field options, "Data not stored with document".
Now you can view the following codes below in the word document.
- Put the mouse cursor before "\d", press "Ctrl F9".
Now you can view a new pair of brackets inserted. Please do not manual key in brackets, which will not be processed by Word application.
Key in "IF TRUE" in the brackets.
Put in the cursor after "IF TRUE", press "Ctrl F9". A new pair of brackets are inserted.
Copy the previously deleted content "" in side the new brackets
- Press "Alt F9" or "Win + Alt + F9". Now the barcode images are inserted.
If you view the error message "Error! Filename not specified" in the word document.
Goto Mailings > Preview Results, click next arrow button.
Goto Mailings > Preview Results, click next arrow button. A warning message window popup, click button
- You can "Preview Results".
- You could also print the Word documents with barcodes.
Go to toolbar Mailings > Finish, click Print Documents...