Every barcode symbology has its maximum data capacity. We cannot encode a large number of characters into one barcode redirectly.
To store large number of chars into barcode, we can use one method called Structured Append.
Using Structured Append mode, we can split a large data message into several parts, and generate one barcode for one part of data message using Structured Append data mode.
When you are using barcode scanner device or barcode reader software to read the barcodes in Structured Append mode, the barcode reader will
automatically regroup the whole data message from the multiple barcodes.
The following barcode symbologies support data encoding in Structured Append mode.
Up to 16 QR Code or DataMatrix barcodes could be appended in a structured format.
The Java source code below will show how to scan, read multiple barcodes in Structured Append data mode, and re-group the original data message from them.
- Use Java method BarcodeScanner.ScanInDetails() to get the all QR Code data from existing barcode images
- For each QR Code data, use property BarcodeDetail.IsStructuredAppend to check whether it is using Structured Append mode
- Use property BarcodeDetail.FileId to verifiy the data is part of the same original data message
- Use property BarcodeDetail.SymbolCountInStructuredAppend to get total number of QR Code symbols from the same data message
- Use property BarcodeDetail.SymbolPositionInStructuredAppend to identify the position of the QR Code symbol in the data message sequence, through property