ITF-14 Barcode Add-In for Microsoft Word
Generate, insert linear and 2D barcodes
for Microsoft Word
"This Word Barcode Plugin can be used to create barcodes for word without other barcode fonts. That's great!"
- Eilian Carol, Liverpool UK
Add ITF-14 barcode images into your Word documents using this barcode generator add-in
Introduction of ITF-14 Barcode Generator for Word

ITF-14 Word Barcode Add-in is a reliable and professional barcode generator provided by us, allowing users to insert linear ITF-14 barcode images and barcode labels on Microsoft Office Word 2016/2013/2010/2007 with no programming skills and ITF-14 specifications knowledge needed.
Besides ITF-14 Word Barcode Add-In, also provides other linear and 2D barcode generator for Word, including barcode generators support creating Code 39, One Code, Code 128, RM4SCC, EAN, UPC, GS1 128, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF-417, etc. |
Features of ITF-14 Barcode Plug-In for Word

- ITF-14 barcode images may be easily inserted into your Word documents using ITF-14 Word Barcode Add-in.
- Industry standards of ITF-14 have been configured in the barcodes, which helps untrained users easily create ITF-14.
- Barcode parameters of ITF-14 can be changed according to your requirements, including barcode size, rotation, etc.
- Word ITF-14 Barcode Add-in supports all printers, and extensions for special printer or barcode fonts are unnecessary.
- High quality ITF-14 barcode images are supported by this barcode plug-in.
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- Users do not need to master any programming skills while using this tool to insert ITF-14 barcodes.
- Check digit is automatically computed by this ITF-14 Barcode Add-In for Word.
- Integration of Microsoft Office 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007 are supported by this barcode generator.
Install ITF-14 Word Barcode Add-In

- Download the Word ITF-14 Barcode Plug-in and unzip it.
- Close all the word documents on your computer.
- Double click to run the setup file to install.
- Open a word document and click "Install" in the pop-up window.
- An "Add-Ins" tab will appear in the menu bar.
Insert ITF-14 Barcode into Word

How to Create ITF-14 Barcode for Word
Firstly click "Add-Ins" to start the barcode generator, then go to "Create Barcode", and a panel of "Barcode Settings" will appear on the right side. And select "ITF-14" in the barcode type pull-down menu. Finally click the "Generate" button in the panel, and an ITF-14 barcode will be inserted in your word documents.
How to Customize ITF-14 on Word Add-In Setting Panel
Select the ITF-14 barcode which you want to reset, and click "Barcode Size" and "1D Barcode" in the panel on the right side to set ITF-14 parameters, including bearer bar size, rotation, etc. After these steps, click the "Update" button, and you'll get the ITF-14 symbology you need.
How to Insert ITF-14 Barcodes in Serial Letters
Activate the "Mailings" tab and click "Select Recipients" to select an existing recipient list or create a new one, and then generate an ITF-14 barcode. Click "Finish & Merge" to edit, print or email your documents.
How to Generate ITF-14 Barcode Labels in Word
Switch to the "Mailings" tab, and go to "Start Mail Merge", then click "Labels" and select the label size in the drop-down menu. When selecting an existing recipient list or create a new one, insert an ITF-14 image in the first cell, then click "Update Labels", and the rest areas will be filled with the same barcodes. Finally click the "Finish & Merge" button to choose the service you need.
More details will be represented by with
Integration Tutorial for Office Word Barcode Generator.
Barcode Types Supported by Word Barcode Generator
